Una cosa es salir en una denuncia originada en el movimiento #MeToo, pero otra muy diferente es tener a tantas personas que vivieron, sufrieron y dieron testimonio de actitudes, abusos y maltratos los suficientemente agresivos, como para que The New York Times explore absolutamente toda tu vida, entrevista a las víctimas y además, te arme un artículo tan extenso como el que le armaron a él…

Sin embargo, Ryan Adamas ha optado por tomar la misma estrategia que básicamente todos los músicos que fueron denunciados durante la primera parte del 2019, al guardar silencio por una larga temporada para así, repentinamente y de la nada, hacer un statement que anunciara su “respuesta” y probablemente “regreso” al mundo de la música…

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“I have a lot to say. I am going to. Soon. Because the truth matters. It’s what matters most. I know who I am. What I am. It's time people know. Past time. All the beauty in a life cannot be reduced to rubble for confusion, ignoring truths that destroy all the good in us. This madness and misunderstanding. There’s enough of that in this world My work was always meant to be a map for the lost. I’ve tried my best to be open and accountable. Not a billboard. I mean, maybe for being flawed. I’ve always wanted to help. I’m trying. So, soon… because it’s time to get back to what I do best. I’m here for the music, for the love and for making things better. I didn’t have an easy life. I lost my brother the day the Prisoner Tour ended. Every night wondering if he would be alive. He was proud of me. My family and my friends were there for that. And so many great fans. For the Meineres community who suffer every day. This music was for then. It mattered. And that was always for it to help. So let’s do that. THAT will matter. The amends made and things lost in the noise, that should’ve mattered too. I want to be a part of that healing. To go play have some great shows and put out these badass records. Believe Women. Believe Truth. But never give up on being part of solutions, and healing. I’ve lost friends who have passed away in this time of self reflection and silence. I can’t be like that. There’s been too much that mattered. Thank you for your kindness, your support and for this time I needed to decide how I could be a part of a better tomorrow for everybody. Sometimes that peace comes from opening yourself up. That’s who I want to be. Here’s to that. With love and with faith- In all of us and our best and our faults RA

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Después de eso, el músico ha estado subiendo más y más fotografías en un intento de “revivir” sus cuentas de Social Media para aparentar un regreso, sin embargo, ha sido con poca gracia que los medios internacionales han tomado esta respuesta de Adams, quien lejos de las acusaciones por sus ex-parejas, ya tenía un largo historial de actitudes tóxicas y negativas hacia periodistas, colegas, promotores y demás…

¿Qué sigue para Ryan Adams?