En una entrega en el blog de la banda, Tom Smith de Editors escribió una carta de agradecimiento dirigida a sus fans en la que les contó cómo fue este año para la banda. Para cerrar, recomendó cinco discos que pueden regalar a sus seres queridos en estas fechas. Si fuera al revés, ustedes ¿qué discos le regalarían a Tom?
Estos es la carta que publicó y estos son los cinco discos que él recomendó:
It’s already December, another year has flown by.
It’s been a very busy one for us.
We started recording The Weight Of Your Love in January in Nashville, then immediately mixing it, then pretty much straight into rehearsals for the festivals. A full on summer of fields and shit stink took us into September at which point we boarded the bus for our own tour throughout Europe and the UK. The final show was last week.
THANK YOU to everyone who came to see us this year, especially on the tour itself. We had so many wonderful crowds and moments, not just the big shows either…..I’m looking at you Prague!
THANK YOU for keeping the faith also. We appreciate Editors without Chris is a very different thing and that many standing in the audience needed some convincing that Editors as a whole are still connected to the band you first heard. Things have changed, such is life but we feel we’re playing at a higher level than we’ve ever been. I hope you feel the same but thank you for getting a ticket to come down and see for yourselves.
Nice one all, have a great Christmas and New Year.
Present tips?…alright then:
JON HOPKINS – Immunity
SIGUR ROS – Kveikur
AGNED OBEL – Aventine
Oh and definitely definitely this!
Thanks again, see you next year