Después de años de permanecer en silencio, Jimi Goodwin, vocalista de Doves, presenta su primer álbum en solitario llamado Odludek. La primera muestra que tenemos de esa obra se llama “Oh! Whiskey”. El álbum estará en tiendas a partir del 24 de marzo a través de Heavenly Recordings.
Hoy en su SoundCloud, Goodwin publicó esta canción son la siguiente explicación. Escuchen su primer sencillo y lean de qué se trata Odludek.
“I wanted to make this mad mixtape… the kind you’d pass back and forth with your mates; eclectic as fuck. That’s the way we’ve all discovered music over the years isn’t it? We join our own dots to make it all make sense.
As I got into making the record, it felt like I was proving something to myself, making a point that I could do all this on my own. You know — I can play bass, I can play guitar, I can orchestrate. As the methods changed, the original concept stayed intact. It’s me, powering through ideas, kapow kapow, no pause for breath. It’s not trying to be wilfully eclectic; it’s just a reflection of how I schizophrenically devour music.”