Anne Burlock Lawver-tattoo

La fotógrafa neoyorquina Anne Burlock Lawver no tiene ningún tatuaje, pero está fascinada con el proceso de como las personas se los hacen. En 2013 ella decidió ir a una pequeña sala de tatuajes en Washington llamada Gunmetal Tattoos y empezar a tomar fotos del momento en que las personas iban a tatuarse, obviamente todo esto con el permiso del lugar y los clientes.

“La belleza que vi y traté de transmitir a través de mi trabajo es tanto la belleza física y la belleza emocional de los individuos durante su experiencia. Ninguna otra situación que he fotografiado me ha dado una experiencia igual.” Anne Burlock Lawver

El resultado de las bellas y dolorosas fotografías de Lawver se titularon “Imborrable” y las puedes ver a continuación:

Ouch: New York photographer Anne Burlock Lawver endeavored to capture the experience of getting a tattoo, embedding herself inside the Washington Heights tattoo parlor Gunmetal Tattoos, which has since closed Grisly: Lawver's images capture the pain that people volunteer for when they choose to get a tattoo and the art involved in getting one Finished product: The tattoo artist is seen wrapping the elaborate ink in cling wrap after finishing off the symbolic design  New York photographer Anne Burlock Lawver doesn't have any tattoos, but became fascinated by the process of people getting them, so set out to capture those experiences as part of a photo project  With permission, Lawver embedded herself with the Washington Heights parlor Gunmetal Tattoos and started photographing the customers getting their ink  A young man is seen here getting words and symbols tattooed on his chest at the parlor in New York City Elaborate: A woman lies back as she gets a tattoo around her belly button on her stomach, one of the more painful places to have ink  Lawver said she experimented with light when taking the photos because of the parlor's dimness, changing the exposure of her frames Intricate: Almost all of the people who were photographed were getting tattoos on their torsos or arms, like this man Stone-faced: This man seems nonplussed as he gets a sleeve of tattoos inked on his left arm at Gunmetal Tattoos  The photographer endeavored to find out what it's like to have ink done, because she doesn't have a tattoo herself Lawver's images capture the pain that people volunteer for when they choose to get a tattoo and the art involved in getting one

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Vía Daily Mail